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Join us on our journey to becoming a virtual sparring partner 🥊
Digital working life in hospitals - how will it work?
We take you behind the scenes of our current research project and show you how everyday working life in hospitals can be made more digital in th...
weiterlesen im Blog3D web visualization
Meet our Bot
The spotlight of this story is on our fictitious MedBot, a small medicine transport robot. We show its features, how it is assembled and examples of how it can...
weiterlesen im BlogInteractive medical record
AR journey into the human body
Virtual and augmented reality are already being used in many medical fields. However, this is mostly done to train highly qualified specialist staff. ...
weiterlesen im BlogDriVR
Human-machine interface meets VR driving simulation
Driving in VR is a classic, which is why we're spicing things up with a few technical features. What makes it special? Our applic...
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